Save Your Résumé From
The Garbage Can
- by Nimish Thakkar, MS, MBA, CPRW
Director and Certified Professional Résumé Writer for
Only one résumé from that pile (of thousands) will be read; the rest
will be thrown into a garbage can. There are several resources that tell
you what to put on your résumé, a few that warn against "killer don’ts".
Most job-seekers spend several sleepless nights creating a résumé. Why
not? After all, an entire career depends on that one piece of paper.
Relax! It’s not that difficult to avoid a "résumé disaster" if you keep
a few simple rules in mind.
Proofread Your Résumé
Sounds simple, doesn’t it? As simple as it sounds, most of us fail this
first critical step. Why is it so important? Errors, that at the outset
appear insignificant, can change the entire meaning of a statement. An
example that follows, though extreme, illustrates this point. A Sales
Executive’s résumé read, “Responsible for losing sales deals valued at
over $1 billion.” The omission of a simple ‘c’ from ‘closing’ impressed
on the employer that he was looking at someone who wants to doom the
company. Needless to say, the candidate was never called for an
Take another real-life example, a job-seeker wrote, “Forged several
business deals.” The original intent was to say “Generated several...”
However, the meaning that came across was that the writer faked several
business deals. Consulting a dictionary could have prevented such an
erroneous representation. Or take the classic case of a résumé that
read, “Completed project at $5 million over budget.” Just exactly what
an employer wants--someone who exceeds budgets by millions of dollars.
Remember, no employer is going to get inside your head to know what you
were thinking. You convey exactly what you write. Even if you meant to
write “under budget” in the above case, the effect was just the
opposite. Proofread every résumé; use the spelling checker and
thesaurus. Make sure your audience will read what you want to convey.
You could ask a few people to proof your résumé. The results will
surprise you!
Think You Write Better
Than Shakespeare?
Even if you answered--yes, your résumé is not the place to display fancy
writing. A résumé needs to be well-written and grammatically correct.
Using excessively flamboyant language will slow the reader. An employer
has only 10 seconds to read your résumé. Be simple! Excessive wordiness
is a common problem. It is better to be clear and concise.
One Size Does Not Fit
prevalent notion is to create one document geared towards all job
openings. If you are a marketing executive who wants to apply for jobs
in sales, market research, and general marketing. Then, create three
individual résumés, each targeting a specific objective. Staying focused
pays. It is also a good idea to customize your résumé for each company
you apply to. This may sound time consuming but the results are
Don’t Get Personal
have read some objectives that say “Single male looking for jobs in
Information Technology.” A résumé is not a place to find dates. Avoid
giving out personal information.
Be Authentic
Don’t write, “Increased customer base.” Instead, use numbers,
percentages, dollar volumes, and ratios. Writing: “Increased customer
base by 25%,” adds more authenticity to your claims.
Formatting And Layouts
Use a layout that is attractive and captures attention; however, avoid
using fancy layouts and gaudy fonts.
Every inch of your résumé must scream “Hire Me!” If not, re-write
your résumé. While a skillfully created résumé can serve as a powerful
sales piece, an ill-designed résumé is most likely to land in the
garbage can. Using a professional writer can help (there are several
good ones), but be careful; there are many self-proclaimed writing
professionals who will more often hurt than help. Choosing the right
writer is the key to getting a good résumé.
© ResumeCorner 2000 -
2004, All Rights Reserved
Nimish Thakkar is the
Founder/Director of provides expert
résumé-writing and career management solutions to job-seekers.
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